
Self-Publishing Strategy: HAVE ONE.

As the self-publishing world grows and grows there is more and more research to be done before taking the leap. What self-pub platform to use, what retailers to target, if you should use a distributor, print and eBook or eBook-only–the list of non-editorial decisions is […]

Double Vision Editorial

Lots of Love and Support for DVE

Thank you to everyone who has shown me so much love and support the past few days regarding the launch of Double Vision Editorial! Twitter, Facebook, and my email have been exploding, and I am humbled and overwhelmed. Jane Litte over at Dear Author gave […]

Taking Your Novel from Good to Great

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Writing a novel isn’t an easy feat. Writing a good novel is even harder. And even after you’ve conquered that tricky task, you still have a complex, exhaustive, and strenuous revision process to go through in order to make that good novel great. But how […]

The Author-Editor Relationship: Jane-Austen-style

I came into the office this morning to a find hilarious–and thoughtful–article sent to me from one of my awesome authors. The article, written surprisingly by Jill Lawless of the Associated Press, focuses on how even the most renowned authors need a helping editorial hand to polish a manuscript. […]

Guest Blogger, LG: Hate Typos? Your Not Alone.

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I signed up to be a writing tutor in college because I thought I would get to “edit” students’ papers. Imagine my disappointment when I learned that there was no copyediting involved in the job at all. Instead, we were discussing content and organization and helping […]