DVE editors have created Reading Group Guides for major publishing houses (e.g. the RGG for The Home for Broken Hearts by Rowan Coleman), as well as independent authors (e.g. the RGG for In Leah's Wake by Terri Giuliano Long). An RGG generally consists of a short description of the book, a number of discussion questions, and a few fun and unique ideas that could be incorporated into your discussion or book club meeting. Some RGGs also include Author Q&As.
Rates for RGG content varies based on each project's needs, but they will generally fall between $32 and $40 per hour. The hourly rate applies to both the actual creation of the content and the time it takes to read the manuscript itself. After reviewing project details (e.g. type of content, word count, turnaround time) and discussing the scope of the project with a client, DVE will provide an official quote and overall assessment of how much work the project might need, how long it might take, and our estimated fee.